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Tuition & Fees

Tuition FAQ

Why three prices for each orchestra?

OAYO has a voluntary tiered pricing system for our programs allowing families to choose the price that works best for them. Naming your price requires no paperwork and in no way influences the experience your child will receive.

What are the prices?

Tier A-Reflects the true, full and unsubsidized cost per OAYO student to participate in their orchestra. This includes everything from artistic costs (coachings, Omaha Symphony Music Mentors, music part purchases and rentals, artistic staff salaries, etc.) to operating and administrative expenses (venue rental, subscription services to email and text communication platforms, copying and printing music, repair costs for OAYO owned instruments, operations staff salaries, etc.) 

Tier B-Reflects only the artistic cost per student to participate in their orchestra. This includes expenses like sectional and chamber coachings, Omaha Symphony Music Mentors, music part purchases and rentals, and artistic staff salaries (conductors). 

Tier C-The most heavily subsidized option. This tier reflects approximately 60% of the true cost of OAYO.

How do I select my price?

This program is voluntary, requires no paperwork and in no way influences the experience children receive. Simply choose the rate that is appropriate for your family when you log into our payment platform to make your deposit payment. 

How are the rates subsidized? 

Your tuition cost is partially subsidized by generous contributions from donors, alumni and friends in the OAYO community, as well as grant and foundation funding and corporate sponsorships.

If I choose a less subsidized rate, is the difference considered a donation?

Unfortunately, no. Regardless of which price you choose, you are paying towards the true, full cost of your child's participation in OAYO programs. If you are interested in making a tax-deductible donation, please click here or contact  for more information. 

Is additional assistance available? 

Yes. If you are interested in applying for a need-based scholarship, please click here. OAYO scholarship tuition percentages are calculated off of Price C. 

Additional Fees

Non-refundable deposit of $150



OAYO volunteer opt-out fee

Please be aware, there is a $150 non-refundable deposit due in June for all ensembles.


In addition, families are free to request to volunteer for a $100 tuition refund.

Volunteers will be able to select to assist with rehearsal tasks (unstacking chairs, taking attendance, etc.) for their refund. This season (2024-25) ALL volunteers must undergo a background check!

Once you have signed up to volunteer, we will refund the $100 fee to you.

Financial Support

We want every child with the desire and motivation to play to be a part of our orchestras.

No child will be turned away due to financial difficulties.

OAYO acts out our conviction that all children in the Greater Omaha and Council Bluffs communities who have a desire to perform in an orchestra will have the opportunity.


Providing need-based private lesson and tuition scholarships are a longstanding organizational priority. In the past seasons, up to 30 percent of the OAYO musicians have received scholarships, which accounted for nearly $20,000 in support from our operational budget. Program fees for Prelude Strings are reduced for all students receiving either free or reduced lunch in order to eliminate a financial barrier to participation.

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