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OAYO Scholarships

The musicians I have met have been an amazing influence on my life, and have taught me so many skills and shown me who I want to be in life. Aviva and OAYO have provided me with so many opportunities and I will be forever thankful.

Annemarie Schubert, three-year OAYO member and scholarship recipent

Scholarship Information

What are Omaha Area Youth Orchestra Scholarships?

Scholarships are awarded as a percentage of the tuition (25%, 50% or 75%) and based on financial need. The Federal Poverty guidelines are used to calculate the percentage of scholarship.

For example:

  • Family of 3 with an income of $38,000 qualifies for 75% tuition scholarship

  • Family of 5 with an income of $73,000 qualifies for a 50% tuition scholarship

  • Family of 6 with an income of $115,000 qualifies for a 25% tuition scholarship

Note:  All scholarships are calculated off Tier C. 

Can my scholarship cover all of the tuition?

OAYO evaluates scholarship needs over 75% on a case-by-case basis. Please fill out the scholarship application here and we will contact you.  We will also offer on a case-by-case basis volunteer duties for tuition remission.

How do I apply for scholarships?

Email to inquire about scholarships!

What is the deadline to apply?

The priority deadline to apply is June 30th. However, OAYO will accept scholarship applications year-round.

When will scholarships be awarded?

Scholarships will be awarded the summer before the season begins, typically July.

If you have questions, please contact us at The staff is happy to answer questions and offer suggestions.

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